Welcoming New Alumni With Ram Pride and Words of Wisdom

On May 9, the Iris and Michael Smith Alumni Center was abuzz with activity as soon-to-be- Ram grads paraded through the alumni center to pick up their caps and gowns, take a picture with CAM the Ram, and listen to the peal of the Old Main Bell – it was Grad Fest and the start of Commencement and the energy and excitement was palpable. As the weekend progressed, the CSU Alumni Association welcomed more than 5,600 new graduates to the alumni family, which included 4,000 undergraduates, 1,300 graduate students, and 100 DVM students, as well as 15 Air Force ROTC cadets and eight Army ROTC cadets who were commissioned.

College years may be over, but new grads always have a home in the CSU Alumni Association.

As new grads marked a map at the Alumni Center showing where they were headed after graduation, we were amazed to see how far and wide our alumni family is. From right here in Fort Collins to across the country and around the world, there’s a little bit of Ram pride everywhere you could ever go, but no matter where a new grad lands, home will always be Colorado State University.

Hearing the plans of new alumni got us thinking, what words of wisdom would you offer someone taking their first steps off campus and into the world? Maybe it’s career advice or guidance on how to stay connected to the friends you made in college. It could be simple as “don’t forget to have fun.” No matter what it is, we want to hear those words of wisdom and share them with our newest alumni.

And don’t forget to check out all the photos from Spring Commencement.